Ordering information
Our customers should remember that this is not a standard shop, where all equipment could be bought immediately. This is a craftsmanship website; replicas are almost always custom, done for a given person. Buying something is a result of personal contact, although there is some equipment which could be done quite fast (see below). With the rest of items - an order queue determines how long client waits for the replica. We put the new order for custom item to the queue after initial price and replica parameters negotiations (please use on from the e-mail addresses from the 'Contact' section), when deposit money transfer is done by the client. So, the deposit which is usually about 50% of the price without shipping costs, also determines how fast client will receive his article.
Please remember that estimated prices which are visible on this site do not include shipping cost.
When work on the item is finished we send the photos of it to the client (there is usualy no such need in the case of standard items from the offer), wait for the rest of the payment and after money transfer confirmation replica goes to the client. Again – please remember, this is a craftsmanship website, not a big store with a stock. Maybe these rules seem to be quite hard, but almost all things from the offer cost a lot of work, engagement, time and also money - every situation when someone does not pay for big work could cost the existence of this enterprise.
Items which are not in order queue:
- lost-wax castings like: buckles, buttons, belt mounts and endings, lace chapes (points),
- simply bags and belts fitted with standard lost-wax castings from offer,
- wooden shield's frames - but only in summer months.
These types of articles are sent to the client in about three months from receiving deposit. Sometimes it can be faster, especially in the case of lost-wax castings. They can be send immediately if there are some ready ("in stock") on the day of ordering.
You can order castings of your own project. Just contact with us, send drawings of what you need. Waiting time is also about three months in such a case (however it depends on item complexity).
What belongs to separate order queue? Tents, custom ordered replicas. Sometimes there can be a situation, that work at some complicated item (but included in products offer) can be longer than already mentioned 3 months. All such details will be always determined in direct e-mail contact.