English (United Kingdom)

Welcome to the Przemyslaw Karcz craftsmanship website

The objects shown here are an attempt to reconstruction the elements of the past centuries material culture – especially the Middle Ages. The patterns are taken from preserved relicts, archaeological finds, manuscript illustrations, sculpture and painting.




Please remember, this is not a standard shop, where you can buy all immediately. Replicas on this site are almost always custom, done for request for someone. Buying something can be a process with detailed contact and negotations, although some equipment could be done an bought quite fast (lost-wax castings from offer, shield's wooden frames in summer time, simply bags and belts). The prices are not always fixed, because there can be a lot of parameters which could affect the end price for item (type of finishing, decorations, materials, etc.). In case of custom items this is always a matter of individual order – please read 'Ordering information' chapter.